The first DESIS Philosophy Talk series, entitled “Emerging Qualities” featured a first event, entitled “Emerging Aesthetics”, which took place on March 2nd 2012 at Parsons, The New School for Design New York, U.S.A.
The DESIS Philosophy Talks is a series of talks aimed at creating a dialogue between design for social innovation research and the disciplines of the social sciences and humanities, in particular philosophy. The purpose of this new initiative is to encourage a theoretical and philosophical discourse starting from the state of the art of design for social innovation and sustainability.
The DESIS Philosophy Talk #1.1: “Emerging Aesthetics” that took place at Parsons, in New York, has been the first event of this series. It has been based on a background paper proposed by Ezio Manzini and Virginia Tassinari that proposed and motivated this basic question: “Are sustainable social changes generating a new aesthetics?” . The background paper has been discussed by Clive Dilnot, Victor Margolin, Cameron Tonkinwise, Tom Fisher and Margherita Pillan. After these first comments, the discussion has been opened to all the invited participants. The event has been recorded and will be made available in the near future.
To learn more, check out the program.